I’m changing blog topics, but not really

So for this blog I’m going to tell you guys that I’m going to change to a food blog, but not really because I’m still going to post blogs about Fortnite. When i’m writing about food I’m just going to explain how good the restaurant is and what to get there. So that’s all it…

New Burst SMG

The new burst SMG sounds like it is going to be a great gun. Having another burst gun in the game sounds great ever since they took out the burst assault rifle. Having this gun is amazing because we all missed a burst gun. This gun is basically a compact SMG, but it is a…

hi guys

this is just a quick blog post so you can go back to what your doing. so if you dont like and comment this blog post you will have a bad luck curse for the rest of your life. So go do that righ tnow and have a great day guys. Don’t forget to follow…

doesn’t this look good

hi guys look at this. It looks so freakin good. This is something someone got from coachella and I said I need to go there PERIOD. Okay bye guys. Don’t forget to follow me!!!

This skin is very awesome

This skin is very thic, and that’s why I say it’s an awesome skin. It is really cool too because it is the superhero of Neo Tilted. The skin has also a pet. It is a robot cat i’m pretty sure because it looks like a robot cat. This skin is one of the first…

The shoes I made

You guys should buy my new shoes. If you like a meme go buy my shoes. They’re only $99.99. Go buy some. There really, really cheap. Bye guys.

Season 9 is almost here

Today is the second to last day until season 9 is here. There has been only been one leak to season 9 so far. The leak was kind of like a image of a robot/alien. I was hoping for a kind of alien type of season just to see how it would turn out how…

New Downtime Challenges

Hi guys welcome back to another one of my blogs. Today we are going to talk about the new downtime challenges. There are three specific skins that can be editable. There is the ember, master key, and sidewinder. They skins are able to turn into a black and blue skin. The skins are really cool….

Hey guys… Whats phone is better

So I know some people have their opinions on what brand is better. So I was wondering what would you choose. When I showcase these brands go comment down below which one you think is better. So the main question is, is iphone or samsung better?

Hey guys I found this in my drafts

Fortnite has updated their game once again with their usual Weekly Update. This update includes multiple new features and bug fixes, as well as new guns and items to use. Thisyis the legendary version they came out with. This the new rarity is really good for this gun because it really do that much damage,…

This skin is my favorite skin in the game!!!

The nighthare is so cool. I think the design of the skin is amazing. The animation of the ears on the skin is so cool. I think the suit it’s wearing really makes in stand out with the nightmare theme. I really love detail epic games did on the face. The eyes are the best…